What’s New

I’ve recently written a series of nine poems about Muses, to be published in the near future as a pamphlet/chapbook, possibly including a CD recording of the poems, as well. Here’s the likely intro to the poems:

Intro to Nine Breezes Blowing

Joseph Campbell, in his book The Power of Myth,
opines: through myths the Cosmos speaks to us.

In Greek mythology, Zeus slept with Mnemosyne
(goddess of memory) nine times and she, in turn,
gave birth to nine daughters and these daughters
grew to become sensual alluring maidens
called Muses, as they inspired creativity
in music and dance; theatre, painting, poetry . . .
with inspiration oft instilled through enchantment.
Homer, himself, never failed to give thanks
to the Muses for their inspiration in his poems.

Muses in our own times are no less deserving
of such gratitude and these poems strive
to keep that notion in mind. And myths, at times,
may gradually rise from rich, though tinted, memories.